Kuriyama of America, Inc.

AccuflexAccuflex Industrial Hose

Kuriyama Group Companies

Kuriyama De Mexico

Kuriyama de Mexico building


Kuriyama of America, Inc. announces the establishment of their new company Kuriyama de Mexico located in Monterrey, Mexico. KOM's new warehouse facility provides Kuriyama products to distributors throughout Mexico. For more information contact:

Kuriyama De Mexico S de RL de CV
Av Jose Palomo Martinez No 520-20 Bodega 5
Parque Industrial Omolap
Apodaca, N.L. CP:66633, Mexico

Tel: (81) 1086-1870 x 71
Toll Free (within Mexico): 01-800-822-52-00
Fax: (81) 1086-1869

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